In about a week and a half I'll be saying goodbye to my work family at Essex Property Trust. It has been over six years of learning and growing, self discovery and, thanks to my boss, a maturing professionalism.
There are many people I hope to remain in contact with and will miss not seeing frequently. The commute to work and, even worse, the commute back home will not be missed. What will be missed most of all is the feeling of accomplishment after a successful training class, webinar or one on one experience, and the interaction between facilitator and our team members. "Rewarding" is too simple a word to express how much this experience has meant to me.
Now, as my last day, Friday the 13th, approaches I'm also excited about beginning a new chapter in Berkeley, CA. I'll be attending the Church Divinity School of the Pacific and work towards a Masters of Divinity. There has been some talk of investigating a potential second Masters degree in Litugy. I don't have to decide now but it is on my radar.
So I'm both happy and sad. I'm happy to have had six very full years doing what I love to do with a great company, the amazing MarCom team, and the wonderful RPM's and RPM Assistants; happy to be able to attend the Espiscopal's Seminary of the West Coast and pursue my childhood dream of becoming a Priest. It is sad to leave friends and family. It is hard to imagine not worshiping at with my Parish family at St. Thomas the Apostle each and every Sunday. It is difficult to imagine that I'll ever find so caring and warm a group of people.
With mixed emotions and hope in God's good plans for my life I set out on the King's Highway and look forward to being exactly where I am supposed to be and fulfilling my purpose.
Yes, I am so happy that you're following your childhood dreams. May God continue to be with you every step of the way. I know I will be there! You are going to be so good in your new capacity! :) Much love, and God Bless!